Background Information
Trust (信托)
我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司(as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust).
信托是说一种信托关系,在这种关系中,一方,即所谓的委托人(trustor),给予另一方,即受托人(trustee),拥有财产(property)或资产(assets)所有权的权利,以使第三方(a third party),即受益人受益。
设立信托是为了对委托人的资产提供法律保护,确保这些资产按照委托人的意愿进行分配,并节省时间、减少文书工作(reduce paperwork),在某些情况下还可以避免或减少遗产税(inheritance taxes). 在金融领域,信托也可以是作为上市有限公司而建立的一种封闭式基金。
Golf tournament (高尔夫锦标赛)
在Jordan参加的第一个重要的高尔夫锦标赛,发生了一场风波,差一点闹到登报。(At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers.)
在所有职业比赛中,级别最高、影响力最大、人气最旺的比赛即美国名人赛(The Masters Tournament)、美国公开赛(U.S. Open)、英国公开赛(British Open)和美国PGA锦标赛(PGA Tour Champions),该四项赛事被称为四大满贯赛。
n. 赞助人,资助人(a sponsor or benefactor)
顾客(a customer, especially a regular customer)
原文:The fact was infinitely astonishing to him,and I recognized first the unusual quality of wonder, and then the man — it was the late patron of Gatsby’s library.
💧patron 常见义是“赞助人”,也就是subsidizer, sponser. 还可以指“老顾客,常客”,尤其是在餐厅或酒店等地方。这里的patron没有“经常到访”的含义,只是指“曾经去过”。
💧例句:Patrons are requested not to smoke.
adj. 认真负责的;本着良心的(governed by or done according to conscience)
原文:...and then I went up-stairs to the library and studied investments and securities for a conscientious hour.
💧conscience 表示“良知”,conscient-从conscire而来,表示conscious of guilt “有廉耻心的”。因此其形容词形式conscientious也可以表示“以良知为准则的”,做每一件事都尽心尽责,由此引申出“勤勉认真的”。
💧例句:A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home. 一个认真负责的教师可能会想着把工作带回家去做。
Crush Your Problems
- A wafer of a moon / was shining over Gatsby’s house, / making the night / fine as before, / and surviving the laughter and the sound / of his still glowing garden.
making the night...以及surviving the laughter and the sound...都是现在分词结构作伴随状语修饰a wafer of a moon.
①a wafer of a moon 也就是指“像圆饼一样的月亮”,wafer可以表示“一块饼干薄片”(a thin peace of pastry), 也可以表示“(基督教圣餐仪式上牧师发放的)圣饼 ”;但在今天提到wafer,更多是指威化饼干~
②surviving the laughter and the sound of his still glowing garden, 其中survive这个词用得非常微妙哦~ 它在这里表示to live or exist longer than,也就是在欢声笑语都已经消失无踪的时候,只有月光依然还照耀着Gatsby那熠熠生辉的花园。
这里也暗示了Gatsby努力建筑的幻梦终将破灭。 - A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now / from the windows and the great doors, / endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host, / who stood on the porch, / his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell.
①endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host 是现在分词作伴随状语,修饰a sudden emptiness, 改成正常语序是:endowing the figure of the host with complete isolation. endow...with...表示“使具有……品质/使处于……”,所以这里直译就是“一股突然的空虚使这座房子的主人(Gatsby)的形象处于完全的孤立之中”。
②his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell 属于独立主格结构(Abosolute Construction),也就是不修饰句子中的任何成分,有自己的主语,后面可以跟非谓语或是形容词、副词、介词短语等成分。因此这里his hand是主语,up in a formal gesture of farewell是副词性成分(up作副词表示“向上地”,in a formal gesture of farewell是介词短语;整体看作副词短语)。
其实只要在his hand前面加上with就可以消除这里的独立主格结构了~ - At the enchanted metropolitan twilight / I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, / and felt it in others — / poor young clerks / who loitered in front of windows / waiting until it was time for a solitary restaurant dinner — / young clerks in the dusk, / wasting the most poignant moments of night and life.
poor young clerks who...(定语从句) / waiting...(现在分词作伴随状语) / until...(时间状语从句);
young clerks in the dusk, wasting...(现在分词作伴随状语)。
①haunt 作动词表示“(鬼魂)经常出没”,比如:The pub is said to be haunted by ghosts.(据说这个酒吧闹鬼);还可以引申为“困扰”,相当于trouble. 而haunting就表示“一直萦绕在心头的”;
②solitary 正好是sociable的反面,也就是“孤僻的,喜欢独处的”;
③wasting the most poignant moments of night and life, poignant有两层表示“令人伤心的,充满惋惜的”(making you feel sad or full of pity).
这句话其实表达了一种矛盾:一方面纽约的生活看似光怪陆离、令人着迷(enchanted), 但每个人却都感觉孤独无比而且无地可去,huanting loneliness以及solitary都在强调这种人和人之间的冷漠抽离。所以一切才显得充满怅惘和忧伤。 - The thing approached the proportions of a scandal — then died away.
①approach the proportions of a scandal, “几乎要成为一桩丑闻”,proportion常见于表示“比例”,复数形式proportions表示“大小”, 可以理解为degree, extent(程度)。所以这里是说这件事情的形势已经快到成为丑闻的程度了。
②die away 表示“(风,声音,光)慢慢变弱,渐渐消失”,比如:She waited until the footsteps had died away. 她一直等到脚步声渐渐消失。这里是用来形容一件事情“逐渐平息”,类似的表达还有fade away. - She wasn’t able / to endure being at a disadvantage / and, given this unwillingness, / I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges / when she was very young / in order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world / and yet satisfy the demands of her hard, jaunty body.
①to endure being at a disadvantage, endure doing “忍受做……”;be at a disadvantage “处于不利地位”;
②given this unwillingness, given作介词表示“考虑到,鉴于”,相当于considering. 如果后面接句子还需要加上that,比如:Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.
③deal in subterfuge “耍花招”;deal in表示“经营,做……买卖”,比如deal in shares/securities就是指从事股票和证券买卖;subterfuge表示“花招,诡计”,这个词的词根源自拉丁语,subter-表示“秘密地”(secretly),-fuge从fugere而来,表示“逃跑”(to flee),比如refuge(逃难);因此to flee secretly也就是指“采取秘密手段开脱”啦~
④to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world, keep sth+done表示“使保持……(状态)”,这里是指“始终用傲慢的冷笑面对世界”;
⑤satisfy the demands of her hard, jaunty body “她那结实矫健的身体的要求”,这里并不是指任何生理上的需求,而是从她结实矫健的身体中所透露出来的一种“自信心和掌控力”。
Content Analysis
💧Jordan makes it a habit of lying her way out of bad situations.
Evidence 1: When we were on a house-party together up in Warwick, she left a borrowed car out in the rain with the top down, and then lied about it...
Evidence 2: At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers — a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round.
第二个证据,也就是Nick在前文提到的,他忘记的一桩曾经听闻过的关于Jordan的丑闻:I had heard some story of her too, a critical, unpleasant story, but what it was I had forgotten long ago.(Chapter 1.6)
根据Nick的描述,Jordan喜欢撒谎已经到了无可救药的地步(incurably dishonest),虽然他后来又改口说道“女人不诚实是一件司空见惯的事”(Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply.)只要一遇上麻烦,Jordan就会采用隐瞒、欺骗来躲避指责,或者扭转任何不利的局势。这种撒谎成性并非出于恶意,而是本能的对责任的逃避。而且这种品性不仅限于Jordan,在Tom和Daisy的身上也同样出现了(比如最后他们把意外撞死Mrs. Wilson推到了Gatsby身上)。
💧Clue 2: Jordan is good at caculating risks although she is a careless person.
Evidence 1:“Suppose you met somebody just as careless as yourself.” “I hope I never will,” she answered. “I hate careless people. That’s why I like you.”
"假定你碰到一个像你一样不小心的人呢?" "我希望永远不会碰到,"她答道,"我讨厌不小心的人。这也是我喜欢你的原因。"
尽管Jordan说这番话的动机依然是她从不考虑主动承担责任,而是把所谓的“谨慎小心”强定为别人要遵行的原则;但从另一面来说,她是一个善于计算风险的人。她所处的上流社会的圈子里(包括Daisy和Tom),其实都是极为自私自利,也就是对别人的安危利害完全置之不顾的人(completely careless of others' interests). 所以她喜欢Nick,或者说是她在理性层面上主动选择了Nick,只有这样,两个人在一起的风险才是最小的(这里也为之后Jordan和Nick分手的导原因埋下了伏笔)。
Today's Bonus
"别问我,""猫头鹰眼"说,把事情推脱得一干二净。(“Don’t ask me,” said Owl Eyes, washing his hands of the whole matter.)这里wash (one's) hands of (someone or something),表示“为某事免除责任或使自己远离责任”。
例如:I don't want to be part of this scheme any more. I wash my hands of it.
- wash (one's) dirty laundry in public
例句:It always makes me uncomfortable when John starts going into all his personal problems whenever our friends get together. I just wish he wouldn't wash his dirty laundry in public like that.
每当我们的朋友聚在一起而约翰开始陷入他所有的私人问题时,我总是感到不舒服。我真希望他不要在公开场合那样谈论隐私。例句:People have an unnatural fixation on the personal lives of celebrities, but I don't see why they should be expected to wash their dirty laundry in public. 大众对名人的私生活有一种不合乎寻常的痴迷,但我不明白为什么要让名人们在公共场合谈论私事。
- wash a brick
例句:That couch will never fit up the steps — tell them to stop trying to wash a brick!
那张沙发塞不进台阶里——叫他们别再白费劲了! - wash someone away
例句:Wash away the memories of last term!
例句:The hollows were washed away not long after they were identified.
这些凹陷处被发现后不久就被冲走了。 - wash(someone's)mouth out(with soap)
例句:If you kids don't stop cussing in this house, I'm going to wash your mouths out with soap!
如果你们这些孩子在这房子里不停地骂人,我就让你们尝尝肥皂的滋味! - wash-and-wear
例句:He now ran a small clothing factory that specialized in the production of wash-and-wear men’s trousers.
例句:I'm so happy I invested in these wash-and-wear shirts for work. 我很高兴我为了上班买了这些免烫的衬衫。