
Background Information


Wilson从灰谷步行到长岛,路过了两个地方:Port Roosevelt(“罗斯福港”)和Gad's Hill(盖德山): His movements — he was on foot all the time — were afterward traced to Port Roosevelt and then to Gad’s Hill...

Port Roosevelt和Gad's Hill其是虚构的地名,但灰谷本身以及周边的地方都有现实的原型。首先来看灰谷的所在地:


灰谷紧挨法拉盛区(Flushing), 在原文的两处地方出现过,比如当Myrtle的妹妹Catherine得知姐姐发生车祸后匆忙赶来,却没有意识到救护车已经开到法拉盛区了:...when she arrived she was stupid with liquor and unable to understand that the ambulance had already gone to Flushing.(Chapter 8.2)

以及在Gatsby的葬礼上,牧师匆忙从法拉盛赶来:A little before three the Lutheran minister arrived from Flushing...

而灰谷的所在地现在是一个公园,叫作Flushing Meadows-Corona Park(法拉盛草地公园)↓


不过在Fitzegerald写作的那个年代,这里的确就是一个堆满灰烬、垃圾和粪肥的恶臭之地(a swamp that was being filled with ashes, garbage, and manure).


还有一件有意思的轶事,Fitzegerald的一个熟识Max Gerlach就住在灰谷,而且和Mr. Wilson的形象很接近。他也是倒卖二手车的(an used-car salesman), 而且根据Fitzegerald研究学者的考证,很有可能就是他教会了Fitzegerald “old sport”这个词,所以Fitzegerald才把它用在了小说里,而且成为了Gatsby的口头禅。



adj. 渺茫的;绝望的,孤立无助的(appearing lonely and unhappy)
凄凉的(not cared for and with no people in it)

原文:This was a forlorn hope — he was almost sure that Wilson had no friend: there was not enough of him for his wife.


💧forlorn 在这里指“难以实现的,希望渺茫的”(nearly hopeless); 还可以形容人“孤苦伶仃的”(lonely and unhappy)或是地方“荒凉的”(deserted), 比如:
Empty houses quickly take on a forlorn look.


adv. 令人信服地(being able to be believed or imagined)

原文:But conceivably Wilson had heard some of these same explanations before...

💧conceivably 表示it may be conceived that, 也就是possibly. conceive本身指“想象,设想”,相当于imagine. 比如:

Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.

Crush Your Problems

1、The hard brown beetles / kept thudding against the dull light, / and whenever Michaelis / heard a car go tearing along the road outside / it sounded to him / like the car / that hadn’t stopped a few hours before.


①kept thudding against the dull light “不停地往暗淡的电灯上乱撞”;thud作名词表示“砰的一声”,作动词也就是“(砰的一声)撞击”,比如:The stone thudded to the ground.
石头砰的一声砸到地上 。

另外“(心脏)怦怦直跳”也是thud这个词哦~比如:Peter was aware of his heart thudding in his chest. 彼得感觉自己的心脏在胸口怦怦直跳。

②heard a car go tearing along the road outside “听见一辆汽车在外面公路上疾驰而过”;go tearing表示“疾驰而过”,tear在这里不是“撕裂”的意思,而是指“飞奔”(to move quickly, especially in a dangerous or careless way). 比如:She tore back into the house. 她飞奔回屋内。

2、The effort of answering broke the rhythm of his rocking — for a moment he was silent.


①broke the rhythm of... “打断了……节奏”;rhythm除了表示“(音乐或身体)的律动”外,还可以指“(生活的)模式和节奏”,比如:Jim liked the rhythm of agricultural life.吉姆喜欢农耕生活的节奏。

②rock 在这里表示“来回摆动”(sway), 比如“摇椅”就是rocking chair.

前文提到了Mr. Wilson“坐在沙发上不停地前后摇摆”(George Wilson rocked himself back and forth on the couch inside. — Chapter 8.2)

3、The police, / on the strength of / what he said to Michaelis, / that he “had a way of finding out,” / supposed that / he spent that time / going from garage to garage thereabout, / inquiring for a yellow car.


①这句话的主体结构是:The police...supposed that he spent that time...

②另一个需要注意的是人称的指代,“what he said to Michaelis”以及“that he ‘had a way of finding out’”中的he都是指Mr. Wilson.

on the strength of 表示“基于某事物”或“受某事物的鼓励”(because of something), strength在这里相当于basis. 比如:I bought the book on the strength of your recommendation.

4、He must have looked up / at an unfamiliar sky / through frightening leaves / and shivered / as he found / what a grotesque thing a rose is / and how raw the sunlight was / upon the scarcely created grass.


①must have looked up “一定仰视过/抬头看过”;must have done表示对过去的肯定猜测;

②shiver 指“(因为寒冷或害怕)而颤抖”(to tremble with cold or fear), 也可以作名词,比如:A shiver ran through (= went through ) me. 我浑身一阵颤抖。

③raw 常见义是“生的,粗糙的”,这里指“粗俗的,野蛮的”(coarse, brutal).

④upon the scarcely created grass “(照在)刚刚露头的小草上”;scarcely表示“刚刚”(only a moment ago), scarcely created grass也就是newly emerging grass “嫩草”;


5、A new world, / material without being real, / where poor ghosts, / breathing dreams like air, / drifted fortuitously about ... / like that ashen, fantastic figure / gliding toward him / through the amorphous trees.


①注意这个句子的主体部分没有谓语,整个句子的结构可以划为两层:首先是以a new world为中心词,material without being real作后置定语以及where引导定语从句对a new world进行修饰;

②其次是以定语从句中的ghosts为中心词,谓语是drifted, breathing dreams like air作伴随状语,like that...也是状语成分。

①a new world 在这里其实是指Gatsbt经历幻象破灭后看到的世界(和旧的那个充满美好想象的世界相区别),而poor ghosts breathing dreams like air则是暗指“幻梦留下的残影还在徘徊”;

②drifted fortuitously about “东飘西荡”;drift about指“到处飘移”(to move around); fortuitously指“无规则地,随意地”,相当于randomly.

③that ashen, fantastic figure “那个灰蒙蒙、古怪的人”;ashen指“灰色的,苍白的”,在前面的内容中出现过: A white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity.

可以推测这里暗指的就是Mr. Wilson, 因为紧接着就讲到汽车司机听到了枪声。

④amorphous trees “杂乱的树木”;amorphous指“没有固定形状的”(having no clear shape or structure).

6、A small gust of wind / that scarcely corrugated the surface / was enough / to disturb its accidental course / with its accidental burden.


①a small gust of wind “一阵微风”;a gust of表示“一阵”,比如gust of laughter指“一阵狂笑”;

②that scarcely corrugated the surface “连水面也吹不皱的”;corrugate指“使起皱,使成波状”;

③to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden “扰乱它那载着莫名重负的莫名航程”;its在这里指上文提到的the laden mattress“有重负的橡皮垫子”(因为Gatsby倒在了上面);accidental表示“意外的,原因不明的”(occurring unexpectedly or by chance);


Content Analysis

Mr. Wilson在事发后一直处于极端的精神煎熬中,他同时遭受着妻子出轨以及意外惨死的震慑和痛苦。于是他决定无论如何都要找到肇事车的车主然后实施报复,并且他还坚信肇事者就是妻子的秘密情人。但这时候的他已经完全失去了理智——

💧Clue 1: Wilson‘s killing Gatsby is irrational.

Evidence 1: “I know,” he said definitely, “I’m one of these trusting fellas and I don’t think any harm to nobody, but when I get to know a thing I know it. It was the man in that car. She ran out to speak to him and he wouldn’t stop.”


Wilson坚信是Mrytle的情人开着那辆车,然后把她撞死的。在他看来,这不是“事故”(accident), 而是“谋杀”(murder)——“He murdered her.” 但这纯粹只是Wilson的联想,并没有实际的证据。

Evidence 2: Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night.
“God sees everything,” repeated Wilson.




与之完全相反的,是Gatsby中枪身亡的场景。Nick描写得非常克制平静,而且没有直接提及Gatsby的尸体如何,只是很隐晦地通过“its (the mattress) accidental burden”来暗指。但在轻描淡写之下,Nick其实也暗示了Gatsby的死远不止是一个无辜之人的意外死亡,里面有更重要的意义——

💧Clue 2: Gatsby's death is of significant meaning.

Evidence 1: If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream.


Nick猜想可能Gatsby已经预感到Daisy不会来电话了。那个完全浪漫并且充满希望的世界正在幻灭,而他面临的新世界则是残酷而冰冷的(A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about).


Evidence 2: It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson’s body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete.


holocaust在这里是夸张(hyperbole)的说法。虽然三个人的死亡在规模上不足以称之为“大屠杀”,但它们都象征着“美国梦”的破灭和失败,Gatsby, Wilson以及Myrtle都是这一场幻梦的牺牲者。尤其Gatsby的死也是一个重要的转折点:Wilson的仇恨得到了解决,并且Wilson最终也结束了自己的生命,完成赎罪。

至此故事的矛盾已经基本全部解决,唯一剩下的悬念就是Tom, Daisy以及Jordan这一行人会在得知Gatsby的死后做出什么样的反应和行动。

Today's Bonus


原文:“She’s a deep one,” said Wilson, as if that answered the question. “Ah-h-h ——”

deep可以形容人“深不可测、难以捉摸的”。比如:Henry has always been a deep one. He keeps his views to himself. (亨利总是深藏不露,不会说出自己的观点。)


1、Beauty is only skin deep.

这个表达非常的直观生动,skin deep也就是“只停留在表面”。这句话可以形容“外表美丽不代表内在也如此”(a person who looks beautiful may not have a pleasing personality).

它的来源是一位叫作Sir Thomas Overbury的诗人,他在自己的诗作《一位妻子》(“A Wife”)中写道:All the carnal beauty of my wife is but skin-deep.(我妻子的肉体美貌只是虚有其表。)

例句:My mother always used to say that beauty is only skin-deep. What’s really important is the sort of person you are.


2、In deep water(s)

这里的deep water是双关,其实就是指“麻烦、困境”(in difficult or dangerous situation). 这个表达源自《圣经》(诗篇69:14): let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters(求你使我脱离那些恨我的人,使我出离深水)。

例句:Bill got in deep water in algebra class. The class is too difficult for him, and he's almost failing.


3、Deep down inside

这个表达其实就相当于at the bottom of one's heart. 一般用来形容一个人的本性或是内心深处的想法是怎么样的,但要注意不能用deeply来替换哦~ 比如:She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person.(她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。)这句话不能说成but deeply she's a very kind person.

例句:I tried to put on a brave face after the breakup, but deep down inside I was in agony.



这个表达源自它的名词形式deep six, 表示“海葬”(burial at sea). 海葬有一定的条件要求,其中之一就是水深要达到six fathoms(六英寻,大概是10.8米).

另一种解释是deep six表示six feet(六英尺,被认为是棺木一般的深度),比如six feet under就是委婉表示“逝世入土”(dead and buried)的一种方式。

两种解释都和“死亡”相关,所以deep-six引申为动词就是to kill, 即“抛弃,处理掉”(to eliminate or to dispose of of)的意思。

例句:The studio decided to deep-six the film after its budget began getting out of hand.

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