Background Information
Immanuel Kant (伊曼努尔·康德)
So I stared at it, like Kant at his church steeple, for half an hour. (于是我盯着它看了半个小时,好像康德盯着他的教堂尖塔一样。)
伊曼努尔·康德(1724-1804),德国哲学家。康德是启蒙运动(The Enlightenment)时期最后一位主要哲学家,是德国思想界的代表人物。他调和了勒内·笛卡尔(René Descartes)的理性主义与弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)的经验主义,被认为是继苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德后,西方最具影响力的思想家之一。
《纯粹理性批判》尤其得到学术界重视,标志着哲学研究的主要方向由本体论转向认识论,是西方哲学(Western philosophy)史上划时代的巨著,被视为近代哲学的开端。此外,康德在宗教哲学、法律哲学和历史哲学方面也有重要论著。
Merton College (默顿学院)
As Gatsby closed the door of “the Merton College Library.” I could have sworn I heard the owl-eyed man break into ghostly laughter. (当盖茨比关上"默顿学院图书室"的门时,我可以发誓我听到了那个戴猫头鹰眼镜的人突然发出了鬼似的笑声。)
默顿学院(Merton College, Oxford)位于牛津市墨顿街,是牛津大学最古老的学院之一,建立于1264年,以悠久的历史、出色的学术、丰富的藏书著称。
图书馆位于Mob Quad南侧和西侧的上层,原有的档案室仍在东北角;它拥有欧洲最完整的大学记录。
adj. 忧心如焚的;心神错乱的(extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly)
原文:...and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy...
💧distraught 可以看成distracted的一种变体,两者在拉丁文中词源相同。distract指“分散注意力,使分心”,distracted也就是“心神错乱的”(very upset, unable to concentrate), distraught同义。
💧常见搭配是distraught with, 比如:Distraught with grief, I signed away my rights to the property.
vi. 充满;丰富,盛产(to exist in great numbers or quantities)
原文:Once more it was pouring, and my irregular lawn, well-shaved by Gatsby’s gardener, abounded in small, muddy swamps and prehistoric marshes.
💧abound 常和in或with搭配,表示“富于,有大量……”;注意abound是不及物动词,表示主动,不能写成be abounded with/in. 比如:Products abound and the people are happy. 物阜民康。
Crush Your Problems
- Gatsby, / his hands still in his pockets, / was reclining against the mantelpiece / in a strained counterfeit / of perfect ease, even of boredom.
①recline against 表示“向后倚靠”,recline即lie back, 比如reclining seat/chair也就是指“躺椅”;
②in a strained counterfeit “勉强装出……样子”;counterfeit作形容词表示“伪造的”,作名词指“伪造品”,这里指“装出……样子”(the act of assuming a false look of). strained的原形strain表示“施加压力”,所以strained指“格外吃力的,勉强的”(done or produced with excessive effort). - His eyes glanced momentarily at me, / and his lips parted / with an abortive attempt / at a laugh.
with an abortive attempt “尝试做但失败了”,abortive这个词我们在第一天详细学习过,表示“努力白费的,没有成功的”,这里an abortive attempt也就是“失败的尝试”。
an unsuccessful attempt
a futile attempt
a doomed attempt
a desperate attempt
a last-ditch attempt - Luckily / the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously / at the pressure of his head,/ whereupon he turned / and caught it with trembling fingers, / and set it back in place.
①the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously, take the moment to do “抓住时机做……”,这里形容钟仿佛是自己要倾斜下来的;
②at the pressure of “由于……的压力”;
③whereupon “马上,于是”(to say that one thing happens immediately after another thing, and usually as a result of it);
④in place “在适当的地方”,set...back in place “放回原位”。 - I / had them both on their feet / with the desperate suggestion / that they help me make tea in the kitchen / when the demoniac Finn brought it in on a tray.
①have one on one's feet 表示“使某人站起来”,have在这里是使役动词,be on one's feet也就是“站起来 ”(to be standing up);
②with the desperate suggestion that... desperate表示“孤注一掷的”,这里指Nick以及无计可施了,只得提议……(that从句作suggestion的同位语);
③demoniac “魔鬼般的”(relating to a demon). - While the rain continued / it had seemed / like the murmur of their voices, / rising and swelling a little / now and then / with gusts of emotion.
①rising and swelling 现在分词结构作voices的伴随状语,表示“(声音)高昂”;swell常见义是“肿胀”,这里指to become louder. 比如:Music swelled around us. 音乐声在我们四周越来越响。
②(every) now and then “偶尔,有时”,相当于(every) once in a while;
③with gusts of emotion “充满情绪地,情绪激动地”;gust原义指“狂风,暴雨 ”,比如:A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut. 一阵狂风把门吹得关上了。这里形容“(情感)突然发的迸发”(a sudden outburst),比如gust of laughter指“一阵狂笑”。
注意这时候Nick不在房子里,所以他只能根据雨势的变化来猜测Gatsby和Daisy的交谈情况。 - When he realized / what I was talking about, / that there were twinkle-bells of sunshine in the room, / he smiled like a weather man, / like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light, / and repeated the news to Daisy.
这个句子含有省略了连词]的并列结构,我们可以还原一下:When he realized what..., (and) that ..., he smiled like..., (or) like an ecstatic patron..., and repeated...
①twinkle-bells of sunshine “阳光像铃声般闪烁跳跃”,再一次出现通感(synesthesia)的手法(a combining of the senses);
②like a weather man “像一个天气预报员”,这里指Gatsby把雨停的信息转述给Daisy(repeated the news to Daisy);
③like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light “像一个见到阳光就欢欣雀跃的人”(巫宁坤版译文有误);ecstatic指extremely happy and excited;patron指customer, 这里理解为a person who enjoys the services of light, “接受阳光馈赠的人”;recurrent指happening serveral times, “反复发生的”。
这句话非常拗口,其实这是Fitzegerald刻意不按照通俗直接的表达,而使用很多非常规的语言(unusual phrasing). 作者借阳光的沐浴来暗示Gatsby心里感觉他和Daisy的关系也明亮了起来,所以心情很明朗欢快。
Content Analysis
💧Clue 1:Gatsby is emotionally immature.
Evidence 1: “We haven’t met for many years,” said Daisy, her voice as matter-of-fact as it could ever be. “Five years next November.” "我们多年不见了。"黛西说,她的声音尽可能地平板。"到十一月整整五年。"
Gatsby对时间的精确让Daisy和Nick都瞠目结舌。Nick是这么形容的:The automatic quality of Gatsby’s answer set us all back at least another minute. "The automatic quality of Gatsby's answer"指Gatsby的回答就像是机器一样自动发出来的,而且让他和Daisy都愣了足足有一分钟的时间。
Evidence 2: “You’re acting like a little boy,” I broke out impatiently. “Not only that, but you’re rude. Daisy’s sitting in there all alone.”
这一幕发生在Nick找借口逃离现场后,Gatsby一下无比慌张地跟着Nick来了厨房,结果引来了Nick的一番指责(平时看起来好好先生的Nick也被Gatsby气坏了),直接说他就像一个小孩(a little boy). 虽然只是一个很小的细节,但其实也暗示了Gatsby自始至终的行为都有某种幼稚性。
💧Clue 2: The emotions of the characters are implied by the light.
Evidence 1: He literally glowed; without a word or a gesture of exultation a new well-being radiated from him and filled the little room.
Evidence 2: “My house looks well, doesn’t it?” he demanded. “See how the whole front of it catches the light.”
Gatsby带Daisy和Nick参观自己的房子的时候也是一副得意洋洋的样子,整个人都神清气爽起来,和之前的僵硬无措完全不同。所以这里不仅是指房子面朝阳光 ,同时暗示Gatsby的心里也是一片光明,充满了希望。
Today's Bonus
💧7 Things Men Do When They’re Truly In Love 男人为爱做的7件小事
“You’re acting like a little boy,” I broke out impatiently. ("你的行为像一个小孩,"我不耐烦地发作说。)
But there was a change in Gatsby that was simply confounding. He literally glowed. (但是盖茨比身上却发生了一种令人惶惑的变化。他简直是光芒四射。)
- He loves and respects you for who you are
When a man truly loves you, he loves all of you, not just your beauty. He loves you for who you are. He loves your flaws as well as your virtues. He respects your decisions and choices in life.
当一个男人真正爱你的时候,他爱的是你的所有,而不仅仅是你的外貌。他爱你的缺点,也爱你的优点。他尊重你生活中的决定和选择。 - He is your biggest cheerleader
When a man loves you, he also wants you to be successful in whatever you choose to do. He is your biggest fan and most vocal cheerleader. He believes in you and what you can accomplish. He lets everyone know how awesome you are.
当一个男人爱你的时候,他也希望你无论做什么都能成功。他是你最忠实的粉丝,也是最直言不讳的啦啦队长。他相信你和你所能完成的事情。他想让每个人都知道你有多棒。 - He protects you
A man places himself between danger and that which he loves. He shields you not just from physical harm, but also emotional traumas. Always vigilant and always on guard, he is ready at a moment’s notice to place himself in harm’s way. He does not raise his hands against those he loves. It would never cross his mind.
男人把自己置于危险和他所爱的人之间。他不仅保护你不受身体伤害,也保护你不受精神创伤。他时刻保持警惕,时刻处于戒备状态,随时准备将自己置于危险之中。他永远不会攻击他所爱的人。 - He steps up
When times are tough or there is a tough decision to make, a man steps up and takes action. He does not shift the responsibility to others. He takes responsibility. He makes any sacrifice necessary. His personal comforts and safety are secondary considerations. When things go wrong, he takes the blame and the responsibility for making things right again.
当时局艰难或需要作出艰难决定时,男人会挺身而出,采取行动。他不把责任推卸给别人。他负责。他会做出任何必要的牺牲。他个人的安全才是次要的考虑因素。当事情出错时,他会承担责任,让事情重新回到正轨。 - He values your opinion
When a man loves you, your opinions matter to him. What you think the two of you should paint the bedroom matters to him. Your opinions on all things great and small are important to him.
当男人爱你时,你的意见对他很重要。你认为你们俩应该把卧室漆成什么样子对他很重要。你对大事小事的看法对他都很重要。 - He listens
When you speak, he stops what he is doing to listen to you. What you have to say is important to him, even if it is trivial day-to-day stuff. He pays attention to you because you are the most important person in his world.
当你说话时,他会停下正在做的事听你说话。你要说的对他来说很重要,即使是日常琐事。他关注你是因为你是他很重要的人。 - He remembers
He remembers things like your favorite color, how you like your coffee or what types of books you are into. He remembers because you are important to him. It may seem trivial to you, but to him, you are the focus of his world. He is your biggest fan and remembering how you like your ice cream is just natural.