Background Information
Fox-trot (狐步舞)
I remember being surprised by his graceful, conservative fox-trot.(我记得我当时看到他跳着优雅的老式狐步舞感到很诧异。)
狐步舞起源于美国黑人舞蹈,1914年夏,美国演员哈利·福克斯(Harry fox)从模仿慢步行走时的动作,得到灵感,设计出了狐步舞这一新的舞蹈形式,从此,狐步舞迅速在全美风行。舞曲4/4拍,每分钟30小节左右。
Cigar (雪茄)
柏拉图和其老师苏格拉底(Socrates)以及学生亚里士多德(Aristotle)并称为希腊三贤。另有其创造或发展的概念包括:柏拉图思想、柏拉图主义(Platonism)、柏拉图式爱情(Platonic love)等。
从前的绅士的家中设有专门的空间来享受“雪茄时间”(Cigar time). 当然,这也许只是绅士时代的旧风,战场上的卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)和大船上的海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)同样可以享受到抽雪茄时的沉静。
n. 混乱,喧闹;暴动(sudden noisy confusion or excitement )
原文:There were the same people, or at least the same sort of people, the same profusion of champagne, the same many-colored, many-keyed commotion...
💧commotion 由com-和-motion构成,com-表示with, together; -motion表示action, 结合在一起就是“the act of moving together”(引申为“暴乱,喧闹”). 比如:The crowd waiting outside was causing a commotion.
n. 遗忘;湮没(the state in which sb/sth has been forgotten and is no longer famous or important)
原文:Tom appeared from his oblivion as we were sitting down to supper together.
💧oblivion 表示“被埋没,不为人所知”, 常见的搭配有:slip/sink/pass into oblivion. 比如:Wind power presents too many advantages to be allowed to sink into oblivion. 风能具有很多优点,不该被忽视。
Crush Your Problems
- Moved by an irresistible impulse, / Gatsby turned to Tom, / who had accepted the introduction / as a stranger.
①moved by 在这里表示“受……驱使”,相当于caused by.
②an irresistible impulse “一种无法抑制的冲动”;impulse指“突然的冲动,欲望 ”,相当于urge, 而do sth on impulse就是“心血来潮地做某事”。 - Perhaps his presence / gave the evening / its peculiar quality of oppressiveness / — it stands out / in my memory / from Gatsby’s other parties that summer.
①its peculiar quality of oppressiveness 指Tom的在场(his presence)给晚会带来了一种特殊的沉闷压抑的气氛;
②stand out...from... 表示“和……区别开,不同”。 - Or perhaps / I had merely grown used to it, / grown to accept West Egg / as a world complete in itself, / with its own standards / and its own great figures, / second to nothing / because it had no consciousness of being so, / and now / I was looking at it again, / through Daisy’s eyes.
这个句子需要先补上省略的部分再来看整体的框架:Or perhaps I had merely grown used to it, (that is,) I had grown to accept West Egg as a world...with..., (and a world) second to nothing because..., and now I was looking...
①grow used to sth 也就是become used to sth “习惯(做)某事”,这里的grow是连系动词(used是形容词);
②grow to do (accept, like, hate) 是“逐渐改变看法、产生某种感觉(接受、喜欢、讨厌)”,这里的grow是实意动词;
③second to nothing 表示“不亚于任何……,首屈一指”(to be the best); second only to 则是“仅次于”;
④it had no consciousness of being so 指West Egg从来不觉得低人一等(never thinking of itself as being inferior). - It is invariably saddening / to look through new eyes at things / upon which / you have expended your own powers of adjustment.
①things upon which you have expended your own powers of adjustment “你已经花尽气力去适应的事物”;expend在这里表示“耗尽”(to use up),后面可以跟energy, time, effort etc.
②powers 以复数形式出现,表示“(全部)体力,智力”,比如:At 26, he is at the height of his powers and ranked fourth in the world.
26岁时,他处于巅峰状态,排名世界第四。 - Tom and Daisy stared, / with that peculiarly unreal feeling / that accompanies the recognition / of a hitherto ghostly celebrity of the movies.
①unreal feeling that accompanies the recognition of 表示“当认出……的时候产生了一种不真实的感觉”;
②a hitherto ghostly celebrity of the movies “一位迄今为止只在电影里看到的明星”;hitherto指“迄今为止”(up to this time);ghostly强调这些明星看起来不像是真人(real human), 平时只能在大银幕上看到。
Content Analysis
💧Clue1: The East Eggers are evidently contempt at the West Eggers.
Evidence 1: We’ll all come over to your next party, Mr. Gatsby,” she suggested. “What do you say?” “Certainly; I’d be delighted to have you.” “Be ver’ nice,” said Mr. Sloane, without gratitude. “Well — think ought to be starting home.”
"我们都来参加你下次的晚会,盖茨比先生,"她提议说,"你看好不好?" "当然好了。你们能来,我太高兴了。" "那很好吧,"斯隆先生毫不承情地说,"呃——我看该回家了。"
Evidence 2: “My God, I believe the man’s coming,” said Tom. “Doesn’t he know she doesn’t want him?” “She says she does want him.” “She has a big dinner party and he won’t know a soul there.” He frowned.
"我的天,我相信这家伙真的要来,"汤姆说,"难道他不知道她并不要他来吗?" "她说她要他来的嘛。" "她要举行盛大的宴会,他在那儿一个人都不会认得的。"他皱皱眉头。
Mr. Sloane和Tom的语气里都透露着明显的鄙夷和不满。尤其在Tom看来,Gatsby丝毫没有自知之明。尽管Gatsby有这样一座华丽的豪宅,但西卵人的身份决定了他并不属于Tom所处的上流社会。
💧Clue 2: Tom is a hypocritical and double-standard person.
Evidence 1: “By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish.”
看到这里不知道大家有没有想起Tom曾经也对Jordan这样评头论足过:“She’s a nice girl,” said Tom after a moment. “They oughtn’t to let her run around the country this way.”(Chapter 1.6)
而Tom自己却从不收敛地四处带着情妇Myrtle招摇:His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular restaurants with her and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about, chatting with whomsoever he knew. (Chapter 1.7)
所以Tom说那些太太们跟着别的男人们(crazy fish)乱跑的时候,不也是在说自己就是crazy fish么?
此外作者其实也暗暗地对Tom进行了讽刺:在英文里有这样一句习语:be on (one's) high horse, 指“在道德上居高临下”(to adopt an attitude of moral superiority). 而当时Tom就是骑着马来的,这里作者暗指Tom should both literally and figuratively "Get off his high horse"(字面上:“他应该从马上下来”;隐喻含义:“他应该放下自己的高傲姿态”)。
Today's Bonus
💧Introduce Friends to Other Friends 如何得体地介绍朋友
After an instant’s hesitation he added: “the polo player.” “Oh no,” objected Tom quickly, “not me.”(踌躇片刻之后,他又补充说,"马球健将。" "不是的,"汤姆连忙否认,"我可不是。")Gatsby为了显示自己的体面,介绍Tom为马球健将。今天来学习在日常生活中该怎样得体地介绍朋友吧~
- Bring your friends together.
If you are at a party or some social gathering, bring your two friends together. 在聚会上或是其他社交场合,首先把两方的朋友都叫在适合介绍和谈话的地方。
I really want you to meet my friend Bob. He’s the biggest football fan I know.
I’m going to introduce you to this person that I think you’ll like.
这样可以给对方一个心理预期,也是良好对话甚至友谊的开始。 - Make the necessary introductions.
It may be less awkward and more formal if you do the introducing. 当把朋友聚在一起,像Gatsby这样,最好由你来做介绍,可能就不会那么尴尬,反而会更加正式。
Bob, this is Barnaby Smith. Barnaby, this is Bob Robertson.
Bob,这位是Barnaby Smith. Barnaby, 这是Bob Robertson.
除非对方更喜欢别人叫他/她的昵称,不然的话在介绍时要使用对方的全名哦。 - State why you wanted to introduce these two people.
You should explain your reason and let them know why you thought they would be friends. 朋友们肯定好奇为什么你会介绍他们认识,说清楚介绍他们认识的理由,这样他们对彼此也有个基本的认识,也是接下来谈话的很好起点。
I thought I’d introduce you to each other because you are such big fans of football.
You’re both new to town so I thought I’d introduce you to each other.