
Background Information

Mint julep 薄荷茱莉普

“Open the whiskey, Tom,” she ordered, “and I’ll make you a mint julep. Then you won’t seem so stupid to yourself. . . . Look at the mint!”("打开威士忌,汤姆,"她命令道,"我给你做一杯薄荷酒。然后你就个会觉得自己那么蠢了……你看这些薄荷叶子!")

薄荷茱莉普(Mint julep)是鸡尾酒(cocktail)的一种,喝完后可以消除口中的苦味。这种酒一般由四种成分混合而成:薄荷叶(mint leaf), 波旁威士忌(bourbon), 单糖浆(simple syrup), 碎冰(crushed ice).

同时为了保持冰爽的口感,一般用银杯或锡杯盛装(often served in silver or pewter cups); 而且端起来的时候只接触上端或底部的边缘(held only by the bottom and top edges of the cup), 这样就可以保证杯子外面附上一层白霜啦~ 而现在,对杯子则没有那么挑剔,装在highball杯、collins杯和old-fashioned杯中,并插上吸管的Mint Julep已经很普遍了。


薄荷茱莉普诞生于美国南方,时间大约是18世纪。julep从西班牙语julepe变形而来(语源是阿拉伯语),原义指sweet drink, 因为味道甘甜而用于辅助服药(a vehicle for medicine).

Libertine 浪荡子

The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.(一个酒徒色鬼竟然摇身一变就成了道学先生。)

libertine指“浪荡子,好色之徒”(one devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints). Libertinism也被看作是Hedonism(享乐主义)的一种极端。


libertine在14世纪从拉丁语(libertus)进入英语中,本义是指“被解放的奴隶”(freedman, a slave who had been set free). 到16世纪,libertine指代的还包括宗教或世俗上的自由思想家(religious and secular freethinkers), 这类人拒绝传统信仰,遵守自己的一套原则。直到17世纪,这个词才开始指“道德上放荡不羁之人”(unstrained in moral situations).

历史上有一个著名的浪荡子人物—— 十七世纪诗人约翰·威尔姆(John Wilmot), 人称罗彻斯特伯爵二世(2nd Earl of Rochester),以放荡堕落英年早逝闻名,死后他的作品才受到各界注意与褒扬。他的一生短促而狂野,作为当时世人眼中诡计多端且天赋异秉的无耻之徒,他不仅成为英国历史中不可或缺的好事者、才华横溢的天才,还是对自由最坚信不移的浪荡子。


法国的一位导演根据以他的故事为原型的小说改编了一部电影,名字就叫The Libertine.




n. 吵架;争吵 (a noisy quarrel or dispute)

原文:“What kind of a row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow?”

💧row在这里的用法比较特殊,表示“争吵”(quarrel, argument), 而且一般指发生在熟人之间的。row也可以作动词,比如:She had rowed with her parents about her boyfriend.


n. 狂欢;欢闹;无节制的狂热行为 (a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity)

原文:“Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time.”

💧on a spree表示“作乐,狂欢”,比如:They went on the spree and spent a lot of money.

Crush Your Problems

1、“Nowadays / people begin / by sneering at family life / and family institutions, / and next / they’ll throw everything overboard / and have intermarriage / between black and white.”


①sneer at “冷笑,讥讽”(showing no respect), 比如:She sneered at Tom’s musical tastes. 她嘲笑汤姆的音乐品位。

②family institutions “家庭制度”;institution除了表示“机构”外,还可以指“习俗 ,制度”(custom or system, which has existed for a long time).

③throw...overboard “抛弃,扔掉”,相当于get rid of; overboard作为副词的原义是“越过船边坠入水中”(board本身指“甲板”), 比如:Man overboard! 有人落水了!

④intermarriage “通婚”,一般指在不同社会、种族以及信仰群体之间(between people from different social, racial, or religious groups).


2、Flushed with / his impassioned gibberish, / he saw himself / standing alone on the last barrier of civilization.


①flush with “因……满脸通红”,比如:Mrs Cooper flushed with indignation.

②impassioned gibberish “激动的胡言乱语”;impassioned即being full of passion; gibberish相当于nonsence (things having no meaning or difficult to understand).

③on the last barrier of civilization “在文明最后的壁垒上”;barrier表示“壁垒,屏障”,这里指Tom认为只有自己在坚守文明的最后屏障;


3、 At this point / Jordan and I tried to go, / but Tom and Gatsby insisted / with competitive firmness / that we remain — / as though neither of them / had anything to conceal / and it would be a privilege / to partake vicariously / of their emotions.


①insisted with competitive firmness that we remain “争相恐后地硬要我们留下”;insist that sb (should) do, 注意insist表示“坚决要求”的时候,从句谓语一般以 (should) do的形式出现;

②a privilege to do sth “做某事的荣幸”,比如:I had the great privilege to play for Yorkshire. 我很荣幸地代表约克郡参赛。

③to partake vicariously of their emotions “以共鸣的方式分享他们的感情”;partake of原义是“吃,喝”,比如:Grandmother likes to partake of a small glass of sherry before lunch. 祖母喜欢在午饭前喝一小杯雪利酒。这里指“共同分享(情感)”(to share or experience feelings along with each other); vicariously指“产生同感地,共鸣地”。

4、He looked — / and this is said / in all contempt / for the babbled slander / of his garden — / as if he had “killed a man.”


①in all contempt for... “完全出于对……的蔑视”;

②the babbled slander “喋喋不休的流言蜚语”;babble可以指“(婴儿)咿呀学语”,也可以指“叽叽喳喳地说话”;slander是“(口头)诽谤”;


5、But with every word / she was drawing further and further into herself, / so he gave that up, / and only the dead dream fought on / as the afternoon slipped away, / trying to touch / what was no longer tangible, / struggling unhappily, undespairingly, / toward that lost voice / across the room.


①首先看这句话的主体结构:But...she was drawing..., so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on..., trying to..., struggling...
②with every word后面省略了by him (Gatsby);
③trying to...和struggling...作为现在分词结构修饰the dead dream.

①she was drawing further and further into herself “她就越显得疏远”;draw into表示“向某个方向移动”,这里draw into onself形象地表现出了Daisy竖起防备的样子,不再愿意敞开心扉听Gatsby的解释;

②that lost voice “那个失去的声音”,也就是Daisy的声音;这里不仅指Daisy沉默不语,也表示Gatsby失去了Daisy的信任和青睐。

Content Analysis


💧Clue 1: People from upper class also participate in illegal business.

Evidence 1: “He and this Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. ”


Evidence 2: “And you left him in the lurch, didn’t you? You let him go to jail for a month over in New Jersey. God! You ought to hear Walter on the subject of you.”


Walter就是Tom的一位朋友,和Gatsby合伙后挣了不少钱,结果不幸被捕入狱。后来他还打算向警方举报Gatsby和Wolfsheim, 但是在受到Wolfsheim的恐吓后没有招供。(“Walter could have you up on the betting laws too, but Wolfsheim scared him into shutting his mouth.”)

听到这里,Daisy不仅是惊诧,恐怕已经吓得花容失色了(I glanced at Daisy, who was staring terrified between Gatsby and her husband, and at Jordan…)她的高贵自尊绝不会容忍自己的情人从事的竟然是违法的生意。


💧Clue 2: Daisy's sole intention is to get back at Tom.

Evidence 1: “Oh, you want too much!” she cried to Gatsby. “I love you now — isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past.” She began to sob helplessly. “I did love him once — but I loved you too.”


Evidence 2: “Daisy’s leaving you.” “Nonsense.” “I am, though,” she said with a visible effort.

"黛西要离开你了。" "胡说八道。" "不过我确实要离开你。"她显然很费劲地说。

这两段对话发生在Tom抖露Gatsby从事非法生意之前。Daisy无法否认自己完全不爱Tom, 所以可以明确的是,Gatsby对Daisy来说,更多时候只是一颗棋子,一颗她用来“操纵”Tom,并且挽回自己的婚姻和家庭地位的棋子。

最后Tom勒令Daisy坐上Gatsby的车回家,然后两人黯然离开。(They were gone, without a word, snapped out, made accidental, isolated, like ghosts, even from our pity.)

Today's Bonus

💧Heartbroken scenes in literature

原文出现了一幕很心碎的场景:Gatsby质问Daisy “You loved me too?” 结果Tom立马插嘴说 “Why — there’re things between Daisy and me that you’ll never know, things that neither of us can ever forget.”

Tom的话刺痛了Gatsby的心,并且原文用了一个很直观但形象的表达:The words seemed to bite physically into Gatsby.



1、Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery
《绿山墙的安妮》 露西·莫德·蒙哥马利

There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them. Is there? And it's so hard to keep from loving things, isn't it?



The heart was made to be broken.

Remedy: It’s tempting to try and protect your heart to keep it from ever breaking. But! A heart that's never used is also broken.


2、The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Andersen
《海的女儿》 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生

Never had she danced so beautifully; the sharp knives cut her feet, but she did not feel it, for the pain in her heart was far greater.



Remedy: Because to live is to be hurt, although that shouldn't ever stop you from doing all that awful, wonderful, bittersweet living.


3、Heartburn, Nora Ephron
《心痛》 诺拉·伊佛朗

And then the dreams break into a million tiny pieces. The dream dies, which leaves you with a choice: you can settle for reality, or you can go off, like a fool, and dream another dream.



Remedy: Things end. They do. They die and they fade and they wither or they just went away when you weren't paying attention. The foolish thing to do is go after a new beginning. So go out and be a fool. It's so worth it.


4、My Mortal Enemy, Willa Cather
《不共戴天的仇敌》 薇拉·凯瑟

People can be lovers and enemies at the same time, you know.



Remedy: You are all too aware that you can adore someone with your whole stupid heart,and yet hate them with your whole entire mind. Someone can be right AND wrong for you.


5、A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
《布鲁克林有棵树》 贝蒂·史密斯

Oh, you'll be happy, again, never fear. But you won't forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the man reminds you of him.



Remedy: The people you love, the people you've spent time with and energy on, leave an imprint on you. The silver lining? It's often up to us whether that means we're worse off or changed for the better.


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