
Background Information

The Swastika Holding Company

The door that I pushed open, on the advice of an elevator boy, was marked “The Swastika Holding Company”...

Nick亲自来到纽约拜访Meyer Wolfsheim, 在推门而入之前就看到了门上写着公司的名称:The Swastika Holding Company.

Holding Company是指“控股公司”,也就是一个有限公司去拥有另外一个有限公司的股份。建立控股公司的目的并不是要用来运作一个生意,而只是用来持股的。比如如果你已经有一个有限公司在营运你的生意,那么设立一个Holding Company有可能为你带来延税或免税。


Swastika来自于梵文,由Su(吉祥)和Asati(有)两字合成,寓意吉祥,一般以这个符号出现:卍(音“万”)。它最早是古代印欧的宗教符号象征(an ancient Indo-European religious symbol),发源地就是乌克兰(Ukraine). 从一万多年前开始,各个宗教包括佛教、婆罗门教、耆那教都把这个作为神圣以及吉祥的标志使用(used a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and dates back at least 11,000 years).

在美国,人们一般会把这个符号和古老的异域文明联系在一起,而且将其视作“神秘主义”(mysticism)以及“预言算命”(fortune telling)的象征。Fitzegerald这样命名Wolfsheim的公司也是为了给他的人物形象增添一层神秘的背景(比如前文还描写到Wolfsheim佩戴的袖口是用真人臼齿做的:“I see you’re looking at my cuff buttons”).

The Rosary

原文:The first part of this was obviously untrue, for someone had begun to whistle “The Rosary,” tunelessly, inside.

Nick在门口听到有人在用口哨吹奏The Rosary, 于是笃定Wolfsheim就在里面。

The Rosary全称为The Holy Rosary, 即《玫瑰经》(正式名称为《圣母圣咏》),于十五世纪由圣座正式颁布,是天主教徒用于敬礼圣母玛利亚的祷文(a form of prayer used in the Catholic Church). “玫瑰经”一词来源于拉丁语“Rosarium”,意为“玫瑰花冠”或“一束玫瑰”。



Station wagon

...and a little later four or five servants and the postman from West Egg in Gatsby’s station wagon...

坐在Gatsby的station wagon里的有四五个仆人,还有西卵的邮差。

station wagon一般译为“旅行车”,也可以叫作estate car, estate or wagon. 这种车型得名于它的用途,它最初是作为乘客往返乡间宅邸和附近火车站的通勤工具(to transport people and luggage between a country estate and the nearest train station).

第一辆station wagon是1910年在美国生产的,由专门为福特汽车制作木制底盘的独立制造商生产(by independent manufacturers producing wooden custom bodies for the Ford Model T chassis). 到了1930年代,美国、英国以及法国的汽车制造商都开始大量生产这款汽车。


但是在小型货车(minivan)和SUV(sport-utility vehicle, “运动型多用途车”)越来越普及后(increasing in popularity),大家就不怎么愿意买station wagon了。



adj. 恭敬的,虔敬的(showing a lot of respect and admiration)

原文:He drew me into his office, remarking in a reverent voice that it was a sad time for all of us, and offered me a cigar.


💧reverent 表示“(对他人)非常尊敬的,虔诚的”(showing great respect),比respectful的程度更重,比如:He gave reverent attention to the teacher.


vt.& vi. 决心;决定(to make a definite decision to do something)
n. 决意,决定(strong determination to achieve sth)

原文:He always had some resolves like this or something.

💧resolve 在这里作名词表示“决心,决意”,相当于resolution. 但resolve更常见的是作动词,可以表示“解决问题”(to settle a problem), 也可以表示“下决心”,一般搭配是resolve to do sth, 比如:After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.

Crush Your Problems

1、He was so hard up / he had to keep on wearing his uniform / because he couldn’t buy some regular clothes.


①hard up “手头紧张,拮据(尤指暂时性的)”,和poor表示持续的贫困状态不同;还有另一个意思是“无所事事的,无聊的”,比如:‘You could always go out with Steve.’ ‘I'm not that hard up!’

②regular clothes “便服”,regular在这里指“普通的,平常的”(ordinary, without any special or extra features).

2、“I raised him up out of nothing, right out of the gutter.”


①right 表示强调,“正是,正好(在某个位置或地方)”(exactly in a particular position or place);

②out of the gutter “从贫困里解救出来”;gutter本义指“阴沟”,the gutter则引申为“社会最底层的恶劣环境”,比如:Men like him usually ended up in jail – or the gutter.


3、“You may think that’s sentimental, but I mean it — to the bitter end.”


①I mean it “我说到做到”;这句口语表达“严肃地说某事,当真”,一般不用现在进行时,比如:With children, if you say ‘no’, you have to mean it.

②to the bitter end “坚持到底,拼到底”;bitter指“艰苦的”,所以这个短语表示不论多难都会坚持(continuing until the end, even though this is difficult), 比如:Employees have vowed to fight the closure to the bitter end.

4、Those / who went farther than Chicago / would gather in the old dim Union Station / at six o’clock of a December evening, / with a few Chicago friends, / already caught up into their own holiday gayeties, / to bid them a hasty good-by.


①farther than Chicago “到比芝加哥更远的地方”,这里指Nick和同学们在圣诞节放假的时候一起回中西部,Chicago就是中西部的一座城市,比Chicago更远也就是更往西的地方;

Union Station “联合车站”是芝加哥最大的火车站,美铁(Amtrak)和一些城郊列车都从这里始发。

②caught up in their own holiday gayeties “被裹挟在他们自己的节日欢娱气氛”;be/get caught up in一般指“卷入某事,陷入某事〔尤指坏事〕”,相当于be/get involved in. 比如:
I didn’t want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.

③to bid them a hasty good-by “向他们匆忙告别”;bid sb goodbye “和某人告别”,除此以外还有bid sb good afternoon/good morning “向某人道午安/早安”。

5、I remember / the fur coats of the girls / returning from Miss This-or-that’s / and the chatter of frozen breath / and the hands waving overhead / as we caught sight of old acquaintances,/ and the matchings of invitations...


①Miss This-or-that’s “某某私立女校”;女校的英文一般都是诸如Miss Hall's School, Miss Porter's School之类的,所以这里是泛指各个女校;

②chatter of frozen breath “呼着寒气、牙齿打战的咯咯作响”;chatter原本是拟声词,在这里指“牙齿打战发出的咯咯声”;frozen breath指“(因为寒冷)张口呵出的白气”;但是chatter of frozen breath并不是指“寒气在咯咯打战”,chatter和frozen breath的描述对象都是the girls.

③matchings of invitations “互相比较收到的邀请”;matchings可以理解为the acts of matching (comparing).

Content Analysis


💧Clue 1: Wolfsheim has never given thought to get involved in Gatsby's stuff, including his funeral.

Evidence 1: If there is anything I can do a little later let me know in a letter by Edgar. I hardly know where I am when I hear about a thing like this and am completely knocked down and out.


这一段是Wolfsheim早先给Nick的回信中结尾的部分,“let me know in a letter”以及说自己“completely knocked down and out”其实都是委婉拒绝的表达方式。Wolfsheim明显在刻意回避再和Gatsby的事扯上关系。

Evidence 2: “Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead,” he suggested. “After that my own rule is to let everything alone.”


当Nick上门找他的时候,Wolfsheim的态度则高傲冷漠的多。他认为自己已经在Gatsby生前对他仁至义尽了:比如他一直强调是自己把Gatsby“从阴沟里拉出来”(out of the gutter), 而且Gatsby能有今天都是他一手培养出来的(“Start him! I made him”). 但不可否认的是,他也“利用”了Gatsby来给自己干非法的勾当:

Evidence 3: Right off he did some work for a client of mine up to Albany. We were so thick like that in everything.”— he held up two bulbous fingers ——” always together.”
I wondered if this partnership had included the World’s Series transaction in 1919.



💧Clue 2: The secret of Gatsby's success—resolution and diligence.

Evidence 1: “Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that.”


Gatsby在时间表里不仅列出了包括Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling(“哑铃体操”)、Study electricity, etc.(“学习电学”)以及Practice elocution, poise and how to attain it (“练习演说、仪态”)等内容,还有各种决心,比如:No more smokeing or chewing(“不再吸烟或嚼烟”)、Be better to parents(“对父母更加体贴”)等。

可以看出Gatsby对自己设置了非常高的期待,而且他想成为的不仅是有钱人,更是德才兼备的“完人”(a well-rounded man), 也正是这一点让Nick对他充满了敬意。

※“smokeing”的写法在这里也暗示了盖茨比农家子弟的出身(smoking写成smokeing和前面Mr. Wolfsheim会把connection说成gonnegtion都是教育水平不高的一种体现)。并且这个schedule是盖茨比大约16岁的时候写的(the date September 12, 1906),在时间线上也是完全合理的,他17岁遇见Dan Cody, 改名Gatsby,开始努力向上流社会奋进。

Today's Bonus

💧Comforting death quotes to live by





The reason that you call it 'grief' is because you've been programmed to believe that you should feel bad about death.
— Abraham-Hicks


What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
— Richard Bach


When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
— Erma Bombeck


Loss leaves us empty - but learn not to close your heart and mind in grief. Allow life to replenish you. When sorrow comes it seems impossible, but new joys wait to fill the void.
— Pam Brown


Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life.
— Albert Einstein


Our fear of death is like our fear that summer will be short. But when we have had our swing of pleasure, our fill of fruit, and our swelter of heat, we say, we have had our day.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


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