
Background Information

Holy Grail 圣杯

...but now he found that he had committed himself to the following of a grail.(但是现在他发现他已经把自己献身于追求一种理想。)

the following of a grail翻译成了“追求一种理想”,这里是取grail的引申义:“努力追去的目标,渴望之物”(something that a person is trying very hard to obtain or achieve). 但grail本身是指“圣杯”(也写作holy grail), 是宗教传说中的圣物。

圣杯来源于基督教的传统,指在公元33年,犹太历尼散月十四日,也就是耶稣受难前的逾越节晚餐上,耶稣遣走加略人犹大后和11个门徒所使用的一个葡萄酒杯子(the drinking glass used by Jesus at the Last Supper). 耶稣曾经拿起这个杯子吩咐门徒喝下里面象征他的血的红葡萄酒,借此创立了受难纪念仪式。



目前在欧洲大约有200个古酒杯被认为可能是传说中的圣杯,著名的有瓦伦西亚大教堂的瓦伦西亚圣杯(Valencia Chalice)、圣老楞佐主教座堂的热那亚圣杯(Genoa Chalice)等。



n. 地层;岩层;社会阶层 (a layer of rock or earth; a social class in a society)

原文:...he let her believe that he was a person from much the same stratum as herself...

💧stratum 可以指地质学上的“岩层”,也可以指“社会阶层”,其复数形式是strata. 比如“社会各阶层人士”除了我们熟悉的people from all walks of life, 还可以表达为people from all social strata.


n. 借口;假装;(无事实根据的)要求;自称 (a way of making people believe something that is not true)

原文:He might have despised himself, for he had certainly taken her under false pretenses.

💧pretense 作为pretend的名词表示“假装”,原文中的under/on false pretenses则是“以欺诈手段,以虚假的借口”,比如:You brought me here under false pretenses!

Crush Your Problems

1、It was this night / that he told me the strange story / of his youth with Dan Cody — / told it to me / because “Jay Gatsby” / had broken up like glass / against Tom’s hard malice, / and the long secret extravaganza / was played out.


① “Jay Gatsby” had broken up like glass against Tom’s hard malice “‘杰伊·盖茨比’已经像玻璃一样在汤姆的铁硬的恶意上碰得粉碎”;“Jay Gatsby”是代表了Gatsby精心编织的一切,包括他给自己打造的新身份(17岁的时候他把自己的名字从James Gatz改为Jay Gatsby); hard malice指“冷酷的恶意 ”,hard从“坚硬的”引申为“冷酷无情的”,这里指Tom在纽约的时候毫不留情地拆穿了Gatsby的谎言;

②the long secret extravaganza was played out “那出漫长的秘密狂想剧也演完了”;extravaganza指“盛大、华丽的表演”,并且内容往往是荒诞狂妄的,这里指Gatsby对Daisy长达5年的爱恋,尤其是他为了赢得Daisy而做的一切浪漫铺张的举动;played out即finished;

这里暗示了Gatsby的失败(downfall),两方面:在纽约的聚会上,Tom让Gatsby看清了Daisy并没有那么爱他(Daisy doesn't love Gatsby as he loves her); Gatsby在Daisy家门口守候到了清晨4点,结果什么也没有发生(Tom和Daisy之间没有发生Gatsby预想甚至期待的问题)。

2、In various unrevealed capacities / he had come in contact / with such people, / but always / with indiscernible barbed wire between.


①In various unrevealed capacities是介词结构前置,修饰的是主语he;

②with...wire between后面省略了them (he and such people).

①various unrevealed capacities “各种未透露的身份”;unrevealed即“隐瞒的,未透露的”(secret, undisclosed); capacities在这里指“身份,角色”(identities, roles);

②come in contact with “和……发生接触”(to meet up with, to encounter);

③with indiscernible barbed wire between “有一层无形的带刺的铁丝网隔在中间”;indiscernible指“难以察觉的”(very difficult to see or notice); barb作名词指“(箭头或鱼钩上的)倒钩”,barbed也就是“带刺的”,平时的住宅区或者危险重地都有这种带刺的铁丝网。

Gatsby透露自己曾经梦想并努力尝试进入上流社会。但是在跟“这类人”(such people, 也就是和Daisy一样身份地位的女孩)接触的过程中,他感到了距离和排挤,唯独Daisy是第一位“nice” girl. (She was the first “nice” girl he had ever known.) “nice”在这里是双关:一是指出身高贵、家境富裕;二是没有对Gatsby流露出明显的鄙夷和苛刻。

3、It amazed him — / he had never been / in such a beautiful house before, / but what gave it an air of breathless intensity, / was that Daisy lived there — / it was as casual a thing to her / as his tent out at camp was to him.


it was as casual a thing to her as his tent out at camp was to him 是同级比较结构,as casual a thing相当于such a casual thing; was to him中间省略了a casual thing;

改写如下:it was such a casual thing to her as his tent out at camp was a casual thing to him.

an air of breathless intensity “扣人心弦的强烈氛围”;breathless在这里指“激动人心的,摄人心魄的”;intensity本义指“(程度上)剧烈”或是“(感情,观点)强烈”,这里强调Daisy家的富丽堂皇给人以强烈的震慑感。

4、There was a ripe mystery about it, / a hint / of bedrooms up-stairs more beautiful and cool than other bedrooms, / of gay and radiant activities taking place through its corridors, / and of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender / but fresh and breathing / and redolent / of this year’s shining motor-cars / and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered.


①我们先来看主句:There was a ripe mystery about it, a hint of... (a hint of在这里可以理解为mystery的同位语,对mystery作进一步的解释);

②在主句之外,剩下的就是以a hint为中心的三个介词结构:of bedrooms..., of gay and radiant activities..., and of romances...

③而romances后面的部分则是that引导的定语从句,专门修饰romances:that were not...but...


①a ripe mystery “引人入胜的神秘气氛”;ripe本义指“(果实)成熟的”,引申为“芳醇的”(mellow), 在这里指Daisy家所散发的神秘气氛令人不自觉想靠近;

②gay and radiant activities “赏心乐事”;gay和radiant在这里都表示“喜悦的”,radiant尤指“(因为幸福)而容光焕发的”;

③of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender “这些风流韵事不是霉烘烘、用薰衣草保存起来的”;romances作为复数形式表示“风流韵事”(love affairs); musty指“发霉的”(must作名词指“霉臭,霉菌”);lay away指“囤积”(to store or reserve for future use); in lavender指“用薰衣草(作为除臭剂)来保存”;

④but fresh and breathing and redolent of this year’s shining motor-cars and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered “而是鲜活的,使人联想到今年崭新锃亮的汽车、 联想到鲜花仍未凋零的舞会”(注意这里形容的是romances);fresh and breathing指“鲜活的”,redolent of指“使人想起……的”,相当于reminiscent of.

5、He felt their presence / all about the house, / pervading the air / with the shades and echoes / of still vibrant emotions.

①their presence all about the house “家里到处都有他们的存在”;“他们”指在Gatsby之前已经爱上Daisy的男人们(“many men had already loved Daisy”); about相当于around.

②pervading the air with... “空气中弥漫着……”;pervade可以形容“(感情、想法或气味)弥漫于,遍及”,比如:A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the country. 一种无望的情绪笼罩着该国。

③the shades and echoes of still vibrant emotions “仍然颤动的感情的阴影和回声”;shades即“阴影”(shadows); echoes即“回声”,也可以理解为“痕迹”(traces); vibrant指“充满活力的”(lively, full of energy).

6、As a matter of fact, / he had no such facilities — / he had no comfortable family / standing behind him, / and he was liable / at the whim of an impersonal government / to be blown anywhere / about the world.

①facilities 本义是“设施,设备”,引申为“天资,才能”(talents), 这里指Gatsby没有优越的家庭背景;

②comfortable family “富裕的家庭”;comfortable在这里不是“舒服的”,而是having enough money to be able to live without financial problems.

③was be blown anywhere “很有可能被调去任何地方”;be liable to相当于be likely to;

④at the whim of an impersonal government “只要全无人情味的政府一声令下”;at the whim of表示“配合……的步调”,whim指“突发的念头,一时的兴致”,on a whim就是“一时心血来潮”啦~比如:I didn’t leave just on a whim.(我不是一时心血来潮离开的。) impersonal指“没有人情味的”(unfriendly,not showing sympathy).

7、They had never been / closer in their month of love, / nor communicated more profoundly one with another, / than / when she brushed silent lips against his coat’s shoulder / or when he touched the end of her fingers, gently, as though she were asleep.


这个句子包含了一个否定比较结构:They had never been closer...nor (had they) communicated more profoundly..., than when she brushed...or when he touched...

had they属于省略的部分,和前面的过去完成时保持一致(注意nor后面需使用倒装)。

brushed silent lips against his coat’s shoulder “用无言的嘴唇拂过他上衣的肩头”;brush...against... “轻拂,掠过”,比如:I felt her hair brush against my arm. 我感到她的头发轻拂过我的胳膊。

Content Analysis


透过Nick的笔触和视角,我们可以发现在Gatsby和Daisy的感情中有两个非常重要的前提,这也解释了为什么Daisy这样的富家女会爱上穷小子Gatsby, 以及Gatsby对Daisy为什么会有如此强烈的欲望和执念——

💧Clue 1: Gatsby has been cheating Daisy about some parts of himself.


Evidence 1: However glorious might be his future as Jay Gatsby, he was at present a penniless young man without a past, and at any moment the invisible cloak of his uniform might slip from his shoulders.


Gatsby在踏入Daisy家的那一刻,就知道了这是一个仅靠自己原本的出身绝对无法高攀的地方。在他过往的接触中,他已经尝到了什么是不可逾越的鸿沟(but always with indiscernible barbed wire between “总有一层无形的带刺的铁丝网隔在中间”)。但Gatsby与众不同的地方就在于,他有着蓬勃的野心和永远活力充沛的幻想。所以他选择了提前把这个幻梦“实现”,他让Daisy相信自己能够给她足够的安全感,尤其是物质上的。

Evidence 2: I don’t mean that he had traded on his phantom millions, but he had deliberately given Daisy a sense of security; he let her believe that he was a person from much the same stratum as herself — that he was fully able to take care of her.



💧Clue 2: Gatsby is not only hooked by Daisy herself.


Evidence 1: It excited him, too, that many men had already loved Daisy — it increased her value in his eyes.


Gatsby爱上Daisy不是没有虚荣心在作祟的。他看到Daisy住在这样华丽的屋子里,并且举手投足间都是富家子女才有的傲然自恃(it was as casual a thing to her as his tent out at camp was to him “这房子对于她就像他在军营里的帐篷对于他一样地平淡无奇”)。而他从来没有这种物质富足所带来的满足和自信,所以燃起了渴望和向往。更何况这个女孩还是大家都竞相追求的对象。

Evidence 2: But he didn’t despise himself and it didn’t turn out as he had imagined. He had intended, probably, to take what he could and go — but now he found that he had committed himself to the following of a grail.


Gatsby并没有因为对Daisy的欺骗而鄙视自己,相反,他越来越深陷其中。而且,他还发现了另一件吸引他的事,就是实现一个理想:发家致富,直到自己可以理所应当地站在Daisy身边。 这也暗示了比起得到Daisy本身,让Gatsby着迷其中的,还有他的自我满足和成就感。

Today's Bonus


原文:Throwing open the French windows of the drawing-room, we sat smoking out into the darkness.

French windows在这里可不是指“法国的窗”哦~正解是“落地窗”。当然落地窗并不是跟法国完全没有关系,它起源于French doors, 时间大概是17世纪。当时这种门是由一块块独立的玻璃和木板镶嵌而成的(constructed of individual, single paned pieces of glass and wood), 看起来更像窗户而不是门,所以有了French windows的叫法。


1、French leave 不告而别


例句:Did she take French leave at the party last Saturday?


2、Indian giver 送礼物后又讨回的人

这个短语源自美国土著印第安人的传统习惯。印第安人没有货币和金钱的概念,他们的经济交易方式是以物易物。所以在他们的观念中,礼物也是商品交换的一种。只要在得到等价交换的礼物回礼时(equivalent value in return), 他们才会送出礼物。如果对方没有等价礼物回赠,那送出的礼物可能会被拒绝或是归还。

例句:Toby may have given you these books, but don't start celebrating yet. He's famous for being an Indian giver.



3、Spanish athlete 爱吹牛的人

6世纪,西班牙建立了强大的海军,认为自己战无不胜,简直无敌。后来被英国打败,英国人便嘲笑西班牙人爱吹牛。当时的西班牙运动员在比赛前也喜欢说大话,但结果往往不如预期,因此“Spanish athlete”就有了“爱吹牛皮的人”的意思。

例句:Jack has been a Spanish athlete since he was 5!

杰克从 5 岁开始就很爱吹牛了!

4、Greek gift 图谋害人的礼物

该词组源自《木马屠城记》:在特洛伊战争中,希腊人将藏满士兵的木马送进特洛伊城,灭亡了特洛伊。所以“Greek gift”指“图谋害人的礼物”,其实也就是汉语里的“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——不安好心”~

例句:Ware his gift, that is a Greek gift!


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