Background Information
...and away off on the shoulder of the first dark mountain was the gray metal-sheathed roof of the monastery of Roncesvalles.(在远处第一座黛色的山岗上,闪现出龙赛斯瓦利斯的修道院的灰色铁皮房顶。)
这里提到了西班牙巴斯克地区的一个地方——龙赛斯瓦利斯Roncesvalles(在法语中名称为Roncevaux). 龙赛斯瓦利斯处于比利牛斯山脉南麓一个山隘旁边,在潘普洛纳的东北。这里曾经发生过一场著名的战役。公元778年,法兰克王国的查理曼进军西班牙和伊斯兰教王打仗。在回法途中,其后卫部队在龙赛斯瓦利斯附近河谷遭到山地土著居民的袭击。传说中的英雄罗兰在此役中战死。
罗兰(Roland)是当时查理曼大帝(Charlemagne the Great)麾下的12圣骑士的首席骑士,史上第一位被称作“帕拉丁(即圣骑士)”的人。拥有无可挑剔的美德。法兰西时代可与亚瑟王相比的骑士。为短暂而辉煌的查理曼帝国的创立立下了不朽的功勋。
罗兰手里握着的是一把“神剑”(Durandal “迪朗达尔”),有“恒久不变”之意。据说罗兰是从天使那里得来了这把剑,天使要他献给国王,罗兰照办了。查理曼大帝有感于他的诚实,就把此剑赐给他,命他守护在自己身边,而罗兰也发誓永远效忠于国王。
adj. 波动的;起伏的(rolling hills have many long gentle slopes)
原文:We went through the forest and the road came out and turned along a rise of land, and out ahead of us was a rolling green plain, with dark mountains beyond it.
💧这里的rolling形容群山“连绵起伏的”;rolling还可以引申为“定期(不断更新)的”(subject to regular review and updating), 比如:We are making a rolling plan for overseas development.
n. 一杯的量(the amount of liquid that this type of glass can contain)
原文:I went over to the cupboard and brought the rum bottle and poured a half-tumblerful into the pitcher.
💧tumbler 原本指一种平底的无柄酒杯(a glass with a flat bottom and no handle), 这里tumblerful就是指“一个平底酒杯的量”。
💧tumbler 也可以指“不倒翁”哦~(tumble作动词有“翻滚,摔倒”的意思)
Crush Your Problems
1、The country was barren and rocks stuck up through the clay.
stick up 有“向上突起,竖起”(points upward above a surface)的意思,这里指岩石向上穿破土层(through the clay)而起。我们再来看一个例句:Why is the worst-looking flower sticking up above all the rest?(为什么这朵奇丑无比的花在花丛里如此突出显眼?)
以及在电影或小说中,拿着枪威胁一个人说“举起手来”就是说“Stick ‘em up!”哦~
2、Making the horizon were the brown mountains.
这里是一个倒装句,还原为正常语序就是The brown mountains were making the horizon. horizon表示天和地的分界线”(skyline). 这句话直译是“褐色的群山成为了天际线”,其实就是在形容远远望去,褐色群山仿佛和天际相连的样子。
3、As the bus ground slowly up the road we could see other mountains coming up in the south.
①ground 的原形是grind, grind 本身有“研磨”的意思,还可以形容“(因为摩擦而)吭哧作响地移动”(to move with noisy friction),比如:A train grinds along rusty rails.(火车在生锈的铁轨上吭哧作响。)这里也是同样的意思,汽车沿公路缓慢攀登时(slowly up the road)发出吭哧轰隆的声音。
②other mountains coming up in the south 形容的就是随着汽车往上攀登,南边的山峦也慢慢出现在视野中(rising on the horizon).
4、As we came to the edge of the rise / we saw the red roofs and white houses of Burguete ahead / strung out on the plain, / and away off / on the shoulder of the first dark mountain / was the gray metal-sheathed roof of the monastery of Roncesvalles.
①rise 指“一段爬升平缓的小山坡”(a gently sloped hill),这里的the edge of the rise其实也就是指山坡的顶端;
②strung out on the plain 是过去分词结构作后置定语,表示“在平原上排成一串(列)”;string可以表示“用(线,链)穿起来”,而sth be strung (out) along/across 就是“沿着……排成一列”的意思,比如:The houses and shops were strung out along the bay.(住宅和店铺沿海湾排成一行。)
③away off 相当于way off, 都是表示“距离很远,在远处”的意思;
④shoulder 在这里指“山肩”;shoulder一般可以用来形容弧线形区域,比如公路上的紧急停车带,也就是所谓的“路肩”也是用shoulder来表示哦~
⑤metal-sheathed 相当于metal-roofed, 表示“铁皮房顶的”;sheath本来是指“(刀或剑的)套,鞘”(a case for a knife or blade), 作动词一般写作sheathe, 除了表示“将(刀或剑)插入鞘中”,还可以用被动态表示“被……覆盖,笼罩的”,比如:The grassy hills were sheathed in mist.(绿草如茵的群山雾气弥漫。)
Content Analysis
💧Clue 1: Dialogue is more than what's said in conversation.
Evidence 1: I went out to find the woman and ask her how much the room and board was. She put her hands under her apron and looked away from me.
"Twelve pesetas."
Evidence 2: "Why, we only paid that in Pamplona."
She did not say anything, just took off her glasses and wiped them on her apron.
在海明威看来,所谓的“人物对话”不仅仅是语言上的,更多的是没有说出来的那部分(通过肢体动作或表情来表达的):Dialogue is more than what is said between characters in conversation; dialogue is what's not said. 比如这里女掌柜“手插围裙”以及“擦眼镜”的动作都透露出了她逃避躲闪的心态(知道自己做的是不诚信的生意)。
💧Clue 2: Jake tries to compensate for the overcharging.
Evidence 1: "There isn't too much rum in that."
I went over to the cupboard and brought the rum bottle and poured a half-tumblerful into the pitcher.
"Direct action," said Bill. "It beats legislation."
Evidence 2: We did not lose money on the wine, and the girl was shy but nice about bringing it. The old woman looked in once and counted the empty bottles.
Today's Bonus
在这几天的课文理解当中我们分析了不少海明威的写作理念和手法。海明威作为20世纪最著名的小说家之一,影响了后来不少作家的写作风格,比如《麦田里的守望者》的作者J. D. 塞林格。
1. Cut Out the Ornamentation 去掉所有的修饰
"If I started to write elaborately, or like someone introducing or presenting something, I found that I could cut that scrollwork or ornament out and throw it away and start with the first true simple declarative sentence I had written."
2. Don’t Repeat Yourself 不要重复自己
"This book began magnificently, went on very well for a long way with great stretches of great brilliance and then went on endlessly in repetitions that a more conscientious and less lazy writer would have put in the waste basket."
3. After You Write, Read 把自己写的读一遍
“When I was writing, it was necessary for me to read after I had written. If you kept thinking about it, you would lose the thing that you were writing before you could go on with it the next day.”
4. Never Empty the Well of Your Writing 不要一下子就把才思用完
"I had learned already never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it."
5. Let the Pressure Build 给自己一些压力
"When I had to write it, then it would be the only thing to do and there would be no choice. Let the pressure build. In the meantime I would write a long story about whatever I knew best."