Background Information
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin(费城晚报)
The Philadelphia Bulletin在费城发行流通了76年,曾经是全美国最大的晚报,他的口号在美国人尽皆知:"In Philadelphia, nearly everybody reads The Bulletin."(很直白呢哈哈)
费城(Philadelphia)位于美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部,是特拉华河谷都会区的中心城市,也是美国最老、最具历史意义的城市之一,1790-1800年,在华盛顿建市前曾是美国的首都,因此在美国史上有非常重要的地位。(美国现在的首都是Washington D.C.,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,如果单独说Washington,可能指的是Seattle所在的华盛顿州哈,不要搞混~)
1774-1775年两次大陆会议在此召开,并通过《独立宣言》(The Declaration of Independence);1787年在此举行制宪会议,诞生了第一部联邦宪法(The United States Constitution).
👆Liberty Bell,自由钟/独立钟,位于指美国费城独立厅(Independence Hall)的大钟,1776年7月4日鸣此钟宣布美国独立,是费城的象征,也是美国自由精神的象征,是美国人的骄傲。
💧费城别称“友爱之城”,是美国第5大城市,仅次于纽约New York、洛杉矶Los Angles、芝加哥Chicago和休斯敦Huston;费城都会区是全美第4大都会区,仅次于纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥。
💧在教育资源方面,费城也是首屈一指,常春藤名校UPenn(宾夕法尼亚大学)就坐落在费城,宾大的沃顿商学院(The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)被誉为现代MBA发源地,创立于1881年,是美国第一所大学商学院,也是世界上历史最悠久学术声誉首屈一指的商学院。
marriage proposal
求婚这件事情我们都略有了解,西方国家传统的婚姻方式一般是男方准备好engagement ring(求婚戒指)向女方propose(求婚),要单膝跪地的哦(It is traditional for the man to make a proposal to the woman directly while genuflecting in front of her. )同时问出那个big question: "Will you marry me?" 之后亮出准备好的engagement ring,女孩子如果同意就可以把戒指戴在她的ring finger上(无名指,就叫戴戒指的手指...)
💧另外,关于proposal的一个fun fact:在爱尔兰和苏格兰(Ireland & Scotland),每个闰年(Leap year)的闰日(Leap day,February 29th),女孩子是可以向男方求婚的。
💧在英语国家女性求婚的比例也有在提高,甚至英国的维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)当年也是以君主的身份(As a monarch)向Prince Albert求婚。
💧speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
vi. 耳语;密谈;飒飒地响
vt. 低声说出
the whisper of wind
whispers of a blossoming romance.
💧despiteful, spiteful, vindictive
adj. 恶意的, 恶毒的
💧malicious damage.
💧a malicious and untrue story.
💧suppress or crush completely
vt. 镇压;消除;压碎;使…咯吱咯吱的响
💧squelch a rumor.
💧squelch sb. with biting sarcasm
💧extremely impressive in strength or excellence
adj. 可怕的, 令人畏惧的
💧a formidable opponent.
💧a formidable question
💧Mr. Smith had formidable opposition to the proposal.
Crush Your Problems
- This is the day of dramatization. Merely stating a truth isn't enough. The truth has to be made vivid, interesting, dramatic. You have to use showmanship. The movies do it. Television does it. And you will have to do it if you want attention.
💧现在是戏剧化的时代,this is the day of dramatization
不知道有没有读过《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)的同学,这部作品的开头,狄更斯(Charles Dickens)是这么写的:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
这一连串的排比的the day /age /epoch of...成为了Dickens这部经典之作的标志,跟着文学大师来练习写作,一定不会有错哦~ - Data were needed immediately about the competition in this market; the prospective customer was one of the biggest — and most formidable — men in the advertising business.
💧补充一个小的句法知识:关于parenthetical element
💧这句话中的parenthetical element是用两个dash和主干句区分开来(注意dash和hyphen不是同一种标点符号哦,dash相当于破折号,hyphen只是连字符),你在实际写作的时候,用两个comma /dash /bracket都是可以的~只有这三种标点符号可以用来分割插入语。
💧写作中的标点符号也是很重要的,直接体现了你对书面语言的掌握程度,尤其是,需要写英文学术论文的同学(其实每个人都是一样的,大学毕业论文的Abstract那种东西,就属于正式的书面英语),包括英文标点符号之后要打空格这种小事,也至关重要的哦~ - I finally won my point, to my own satisfaction —but my time was up, the interview was over, and I still hadn't produced results.
💧to my own satisfaction,就我自己满意
to有时候可以用来表示目的性,和你用in order to是一个道理,为了...
💧The work was done to his own satisfaction, but in my opinion it was badly done.
💧Give me a restless hour or two in bed and I can solve, to my own satisfaction, all the doubts of humanity.
Content Analysis
今天的卡叔在论述是不是要drama一点这个问题上,真的是有理有据,证明适当dramatize对达成目标来说是必要的(You have to use showmanship. The movies do it. Television does it. And you wil have to do it if you want attention.)
首先,卡叔用到了费城晚报的例子,坊间有谣言说费城晚报的内容不够丰富,越来越多的广告来充斥着内容,让读者们的体验很不好;费城晚报是怎么做的呢?他们从常规的刊本中选择了一天的内容,分类整理、出版成为一本书,名字叫做One Day,这样就可以生动且戏剧性的体现费城晚报内容特别丰富(It conveyed the facts more vividly, more interestingly, more impressively, than pages of figures and mere talk could have done.)
其次,卡叔论证说,dramatization在产品展示方面也有很重要的作用:比如卖老鼠药的橱窗,真正去摆两只老鼠的结论就是销售量翻了好多倍(The week the rats were shown, sales zoomed to five times their normal rate.)
同理,dramatization是在很多其他方面都可以用的,不论是生意上(You can dramatize your ideas in business or in any other aspect of your life),还是日常生活...求个婚啥的上(It works in home life as well),还是带娃上(Dramatizing what you want works with children as well),以及工作等场景,都普遍适用。
- 生意:
Jim Yeamans在卖自己的NCR产品的时候就会用到dramatizing的方式,当他发现对方的收银机特别老旧的时候,他不仅告诉对方:你每次让你的客户排长队就是在扔钱的行为!('You are literally throwing away pennies every time a customer goes through your line.' )同时特别drama的把钱扔了一地,最后这种方式刺激到了买主,使得他的生意成交( I was able to get an order from him to replace all of his old machines.) - 求婚:
求婚这件事情要有仪式感,所以之前男性求婚都要单膝跪地呀、布置场地呀什么的(set up a romantic atmosphere before they pop the question),很大程度上可以提高求婚的成功率~ - 带娃:
Joe B. Fant,Jr.就是这么做的,他想要娃们玩儿完之后自己把玩具收起来,所以他们做了类似role play的游戏,大家扮成是在一列火车上,作为列车长安排自己的乘务员做事情,最后孩子们很开心的把玩具都收了起来(In this way the room was cleaned up - without lectures, arguments or threats.) - 堵老板:
Mary Catherine Wolf一直想找老板谈事情,但是老板的时间很紧张,秘书安排了很久都没有什么实质性的进展,Mary情急之下写了一封很正式的信给老板,最后获得了老板约见,并解决了自己的问题(I met with him, and we talked for over an hour and resolved my problems.)Mary认为,如果没有主动而drama地找老板,最终可能自己还在默默等待(If I had not dramatized to him the fact that I really wanted to see him, I would probably be still waiting for an appointment.) - 搞定竞品分析:
James B. Boynton也有过类似的解决问题的经历,他曾经在做一个cream的市场调研,调研一开始的结论并没有使人信服,最终无疾而终,然而后面他改变了一种方式,将每个竞争对手的产品挂上标签,写好自己的意见,最终得到了肯定,虽然调研的内容并没有本质区别("I was presenting the same facts this time that I had presented previously. But this time I was using dramatization, showmanship - and what a difference it made.")
Dramatize your ideas.
Today's Bonus
卡叔给我们详细的上了一课该怎么适当的Drama一小下来达到自己的目标,然而在现在的生活中drama的度如果掌握不好的话,很容易被人理解为很作的人,在英语当中,Drama Queen这个词是一个赤果果的贬义词,用来形容有些妹子/汉子作天作地,那么哪些行为会被一巴掌哗啦到Drama Queen的行列呢?👇👇👇这里有一份规避风险指南,了解一下~
首先什么样的人打眼看就给人Drama Queen的既视感呢?下面几条请仔细阅读随意对号入座👇
a) Want to seek attention
💧"Oh my Gosh, he knows I like him. What I am going to do. Please kill me now!"
💧"You’re not worthy seeing my beautiful face!"
💧"What?You didn’t know it? I posted it on my wechat, you didn’t follow me!"
这种...typical...needy baby...
b) Make a big deal out of anything
💧"You touched my phone! We’re not friends anymore!"
💧"I wanted warm water! Why do you bring me hot water, are you going to kill me?"
c) Extremely fond of gossiping around
💧"I promise, I won’t tell anyone. "
💧"I wasn’t talking behind your back, I was just sharing information."
你们会觉得这样的Drama Queen难以相处吗?如果是的话,don't be one of them yourself.
- Know when you're creating drama
💧当在公共场合大声呼喊、引来吃瓜群众围观的情况发生的时候,就是drama时刻到了,谁都有心情不好的时候,但是要有情绪管理的能力,事情都是可以用reasonable的方式解决的嘛~ - Don't over exaggerate or overract everything
💧中国有古话讲“大事化小,小事化了”,不要对一些很细节的事情斤斤计较,be the bigger person. - Stop seeing yourself as the victim
所以啦~希望每一个人都是正能量满满,不要做小群体里的Drama Queen哦~
smart word
This is the day of dramatization. Merely stating a truth isn't enough.The truth has to be made vivid, interesting,dramatic. You have to use showmanship. The movies do it. Television does it. And you will have to do it if you want attention.